christians are assholes.

There. I said it. Christians are narrowminded, hypocritical, willfully ignorant assholes. And they piss me the fuck off.

What else am I supposed to think, when people like Menjaran are outnumbered by the thousands by people like Ken Hutcherson and James Dobson? At what point can you no longer say "well, they aren't really Christians because they're not actually following the Gospel" because they've redefined the term just by sheer numbers and volume? There is a reason Christianity has bigger PR problems than Exxon-Valdez, and it's because the people who claim its mantle most stridently are, on the whole, bass-ackwards pricks who are more than happy to trample widows and orphans in their grand quest to find the correct open-sesame to the Pearly Gates.

How can a religion based on self-sacrifice and humility spawn people like Benny Hinn? How does a religion founded by a single guy running around telling people to ditch their families and skip marriage come to signify White Nuclear Families Uber Alles? How does that even happen? What kind of theological Mobius strip do you have to subscribe to to have this make any kind of sense?

At what point do you just say "Fuck this. I'm going somewhere else and I'm taking Jesus with me," and stop even bothering to identify yourself with this Christianity thing because the baby drowned in the bathwater long ago? At what point do you simply leave "Christianity" to the "Christians" and just go try to build your low-key love-your-neighbor kingdom of God somewhere else?

I feel like something has been stolen from me, and I'm not sure whether it makes me angry or sad.

I just don't know anymore.


thus saith Liadan at 2:27 AM


Anonymous Anonymous saith at 2/26/2008 1:21 PM...  

Leave it altogether.
You don't need religion or jesus to live with morals and ethics. Treat people kindly. Help others. Hold the door for someone. Pick up something that someone dropped. Be courteous. Don't judge. Be honest. Practicing a religion doesn't shape a person, I find that some people that practice religion think they get a 'free pass' to be a jerk because they 'believe.' Let it your own person...the sheep shall leave the pasture.

Blogger titration saith at 2/26/2008 1:41 PM...  

If you want to add some more confusion to the mix read the book I just read "if grace is true". I think it may help me keep christianity but not the christians... maybe but it's probably heresy. Still...

Such a quality rant you got here, btw. Preach it. O what are we ever to do!

Blogger marauder34 saith at 2/28/2008 4:03 PM...  


I don't know. I went through a fairly pronounced spiritual breakdown this past May that lasted through the sumer and into the fall, during which time I barely set foot in church, except after the service had ended, for reasons that had nothing on what you're going through.

I don't know what to say, except the same empty mouthings that always piss me off when someone spews them onto me.

Because you're right; essentially we are a bunch of assholes, myself no less than those who are currently driving you to new levels of pissed-offness. I reached the realization sometime this year that Christianity is about 90 percent bullshit -- and that the 10 percent that isn't bullshit just won't let go of me.

I've found that the Jesus preached in churches often isn't the Jesus in the gospels, and that the Jesus often celebrated by the leaders of the church and by Christians in general is not the Jesus who grabbed hold of me years ago. I've found that if God didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent him (or her); but if Jesus didn't exist, it'd be impossible to invent him because he manages to find a way to piss off everyone in exactly the way they need to be pissed off. Dobson, RBP, Hinn, you, me, even your parents.

I'm here, sister, and I ain't going anywhere. And that, I think, is the closest any of us will find to Jesus on this side of the veil.

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 3/05/2008 12:42 AM...  

This is what I've come to the conclusion of lately as well.


i miss you

Blogger David saith at 3/09/2008 4:24 PM...  

I very much commiserate with what you've written here. A sterile way of saying it, but I don't know how else or what else to say in response.

Blogger B. saith at 3/12/2008 8:42 PM...  

This comment has been removed by the author.

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 3/27/2008 11:58 AM...  

Coming to the party late, but I TOLD you to get out of there while your sanity is intact, didn't I?

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 4/05/2008 2:14 AM...  

people like you are really important. they keep people like me, who have always viewed christianity from the outside, from thinking that all christians are assholes.

Blogger The Man saith at 7/10/2008 8:37 AM...  

Man, I have been thinking for months about writing a post on my blog titled "Christians are assholes", and then find out you've done it already. Good job, by the way. Summarizes my thoughts on the matter. I have been a Christian for most of my life but as I grow older I discover that I just don't have the time or the patience for the bullshit anymore. Christ is cool. Christianity is crap.

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 7/18/2008 7:49 PM...  

I was found....but now I am lost apparently. Grew up Christian, but somehow reality got the best of me. Keep the faith (or lack thereof) man!

Blogger Trillocracy saith at 3/04/2009 2:40 PM...  

The worse part of teams like the NY Yankees and Dallas Cowboys are their fans. Christians are like Yankees fans, they are the worst part of Christianity.

Blogger radioheadisgod85 saith at 12/04/2009 3:41 PM...  

Fuck jesus! Yeah!

Anonymous josh saith at 1/19/2010 5:39 PM...  

i think a lot of christians are assholes because they're scared pathetic people with no sense of humor. On the other hand.....most people are scared pathetic people with no sense of humor. i don't think it's christians as much as it is any run of the mill fanatic. example. i'd much rather be on a plane with a bunch of asshole christians than i would with a bunch of asshole muslims. any thoughts?

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 2/24/2010 5:19 PM...  

Things is.. the real christians, are scarce, and will pop up when you least expect them to.

Believe me when I tell you that it will be impossible for you to hate them.

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 7/30/2010 3:37 PM...  

I am an atheist and not because i beg for proof of go or how it cant make sense, but because religions are shitty. i dont have a religion because religion is bullshit. why cant people just do the right thing and think for themselves. if you need religion to tell you whats right then you are the one who is lost. its not that i cant believe in a god its that if i did, which i may or may not, the god would not be a he or she or could be hardly named a god. more of a universal spirit or atmosphere. anyways not bashing you or anyone who is religious just the people who are religious that are morons with the "golden ticket".

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 9/16/2010 11:47 PM...  

The reason religion was created was so that man could feel he had a purpose for going through all the pain and suffering we call "life."
While i will admit that I am an ex-Christian, I will also admit that they do carry some good values, if they are actually carried. Ignorance is what causes all turmoil in society, and we need more people like us to point out how ignorant these asshole of Christians are

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 6/01/2011 11:47 PM...  

muslims are not assholes josh you are

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 7/18/2011 12:53 AM...  

They're all assholes. I don't care if you're the sweetest, nicest person in the world, if you debase and make a willing slave of yourself for a false god, you're a damned fool. And they're traitors, too. Lots of mourning for the prophet who gave up his life willingly, but I don't hear outrage over the way Christian fanatics burned the temples and smashed the idols of your ancestors and for all intents and purposes killed your rightful gods.

Anonymous cammojo saith at 9/25/2011 5:08 AM...  

Christianity is a hollow shell that people climb into to justify any and all the wicked hateful cowardly and sinfull things they is nothing more than a bag to put over their heads to blind themselves,to release evil into the world with absolute ignorance then retreat back to their safety in numbers.look back at everything you have been taught,empty your head completely and seek out absolute truth on your own. hey the nazis were and still are christians,our founding fathers {super greedy,super prejudice,super masters of illusion}claimed christianity and built this evil empire.Think your in a christian nation? America was founded by murdering entire races of people,none of which were white.These slave raping earth raping hate mongers have always had blaket immunity for all their deeds by bending and raping their own bible. They dont even know the real history of their own religion{and dont like the facts} because they would have to change their ways.Think about it God is a communist dictator in the holy bible.our enire existance is to bring glory to god then in the next life to live with serve and bring glory to no expert but idont think that your 401k is transferrable to heaven.why would the creator provide an afterlife then fill it with people who dont even try to get along in this life.Jesus dont like oil wars
and he aint real big on predator drones blowing up nursery schools either.If you can remove cowardice greed ignorance and hatred youd be getting close to the right track,but these have become inherent traits to christianity.

Anonymous Jesus McDickwad saith at 7/19/2012 6:26 PM...  

Christians are assholes for the same reason that Jews, Muslims, athiests and everyone else is an asshole. They are human beings and all of us human beings are colosal assholes. That is what being a human being is. Being an asshole. 7 billion self-centered jag-off tit-faced twits who rightly deserve extinction.

Blogger Barzin saith at 7/26/2012 11:58 PM...  

"They're all assholes. I don't care if you're the sweetest, nicest person in the world, if you debase and make a willing slave of yourself for a false god, you're a damned fool. And they're traitors, too. Lots of mourning for the prophet who gave up his life willingly, but I don't hear outrage over the way Christian fanatics burned the temples and smashed the idols of your ancestors and for all intents and purposes killed your rightful gods."

Oh I'm sorry, I was too busy trying to evade the Christians who were out to murder me. Forgive me.

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 8/30/2012 8:03 AM...  

If we could flush all the christians (in fact all the religious nut jobs who believe in invisible super people) down a massive toilet imagine the sense of relief... I world of people who are willing to deal with and enjoy real things, and reality itself. imagine the things we people could do, we could make the world a better place in instead of a flight lounge before an imaginary heaven.

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 12/15/2012 7:07 PM...  

This comment has been removed by the author.

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 12/15/2012 7:11 PM...  

This comment has been removed by the author.

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 3/15/2013 1:03 AM...  

I concur entirely. Religious people are so strong in what they believe, but they just never realize the truth. If someone were to ask them, "Do you believe because you saw this god with your own eyes, or do you believe because of some book written thousands of years ago when humans were (personally) idiots?" They would just end up talking around your question, avoiding the truth because of that "knowledge is evil" crap. Yeah, sure. The knowledge that your beliefs are a load of crap is satanistic. And the people are too afraid of their own paranoia to actually get back to reality.

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 11/13/2013 5:53 PM...  

It's a personal relationship with God. For many years I felt I had to go to a church that had a doctrine like I beleived. The problem was those people were terrible assholes. Mostly it was because of spoiled adult kids of the faithful that didn't beleive in the religion but were babied by the congregation cause they were so and so's kid. If you actually beleived the religion that acted like well--you must be some prejudice idiot--get out of here. So eventually I did. I know go to my families old "liberal as all get out" protestant church where people are nice to me probably cause I'm so and so's kid. I'm more effective there though, they don't poo poo all of my ideas cause I'm not so and so's kid, and I'm not mean to new people. These church brats are ruining the religion and things will change because many of these people just stop going to church cause they don't beleive and the church goes under. It's sad to see but it will have to happen. Unfortunatly what's going on right now is the death throughs of a lot of that, and when you go to church you meet all sorts of poeple that don't beleive what the church teaches and are up there to just socialize. If they can't be nice they need to find another church or body where they can be nice and agree with the people, that's more efficient for everyone. Right now though where you go to chuck has a lot more to do with who you were born to than what you believe and it's the source of a lot of conflict.

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 4/20/2014 6:56 PM...  

Christians can go to hell if you ask me. Damn assholes with no respect for others are what they are. Fuckin quivers.

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 7/03/2014 6:51 PM...  

I respect all others but there is a limit when faced with these folks who are trying their hardest to convince people that it is they who are being persecuted. Who is actively trying to deny the rights of marriage of their own country men and women? These people want nothing more than what you have, freedom of choosing their partner in life. You can do it and so should they!
How about continuous preaching of a "woman's place is in the home" and disrespect and belittlement of those women who are helping outside of their homes to support their families? With the costs of everything and these companies who we workers have to fight for every dime earned, My wife working outside the home is not only helpful but necessary!
And my favorite one, abolishing ALL abortions. There are several medical reasons some women have to get an abortion. Some of these women are given a second chance at a family because they have aborted a problematic pregnancy. Knowledge is something sacred. I wish that they would exercise their minds and do some research. Preferably unbiased research. And speaking of research, in this country, the religious right have infiltrated almost every aspect of laws and offices in this country, so unbiased material is in short supply in this country today. So watch your sources. And for goodness sakes please think for yourselves, it is not hard to do. And it is still legal in some states.

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 2/23/2015 10:50 PM...  

I'm comin very late to this but still im pagan and the amount of flack I have had from christians over the years is nuts. They tell me im misguided , they will pray for me etc. But truth is I find it very insulting that I have to sit there listening to them preaching there beliefs showing zero respect for mine . Yet if I did the same they feel the right to try and jam it further down my throat. I was gravely insulted by one once who said paganism is a bunch of stories that doesn't hold any meaning but the bible does. They are the only religion that try's to enforce conversion , think about it can you name another ?

Blogger Unknown saith at 5/19/2015 5:39 PM...  

I have spoken to many pastors and asked about key events within the scripture. Most have responded negatively. But some started out as respectable persons willing to give answering these things a shot. fair enough. Only thing is...They wind up offended by the original question or they try to generalize, and are full of assumptions and speculations. And they wind up angry and crass and demand that you answer their counter questions rather than answering your question to them they divert and gloss over your points and invigorate theirs to put you on the defensive. I find they often feel the need to defend God. Now isn't God an all powerful being? If he is then trust me he doesn't need some fool defending him. Besides all that the truth needs no defense at all since truth is based on facts and all you have to do instead of defending facts, do some easy research on the subject matter. Wallah! No defense needed.

So by defending god they are actually saying god is not based on fact. And as such what is left is fantasy. They themselves weaken their own arguments every time they seek to defend this genocidal lunatic they call god.
But after all, seeking peace and loving on our fellow man is a noble deed, the Christians scoff at such ideas. Instead they try to justify horrendous acts done in the name of god with aforementioned speculations.

I say good luck Christians, in your quests whatever they may be and may maturity and true enlightenment find you in the prime of your mind and not in the dementia of old age.

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 6/13/2015 3:00 PM...  

I don't know about you guys but my church has cliques and when they have events, they only invite people in their cliques even if it is for someone's birthday
I fucking hate church, all the hypocrisy and bullshitting out of people's mouth and my previous churches weren't like this at all

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 1/03/2016 4:57 AM...  

Ahhhh, as a child I was bullied into Catholicism because mom married one after her mom was reason she divorced my father, and was also robbed of my fathers surname and any presence in my biological family's lives because my stepdad apparently "adopted" me that when I applied for adult identity book turned out my "Christian" mom had never registered my "new surname", and I had for a decade still had my father's surname legally still on government books, and then my mom paid money and had it changed. I ask you why Christians are so inhuman, because my mom has RUINED my life that I can't even get actual help at my age for my speech disability because my stepdad botched up my Road accident fund claim so badly I the poor one, not my mom, stepdad and their daughters. Roman Catholics are the reason I was taught nothing about how to become self sufficient either, apart from all the cruel selfish things my mom and stepdad did, I owe Christianity nothing

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 1/03/2016 5:25 AM...  

Jesus Christ is not G-ds son, G-d has no shape or form it says so in the Torah, and Jesus said in the Bible the Torah can't be discounted (I paraphrase), but the ancient Romans wrote the Christian Bible 75-150years after Jesus lived making it NOT FROM G-D AND NOT DIVINE like the Torah which millions of Jews heard G-d speak at Mt Sinai, like how many witnesses witnessed G-d impregnate whoever it was with Jesus that G-d told how many at Mt Sinai to expect G-d change of heart about thou shall not worship idles(the crucifix: Death penalty symbol hundreds died by before Jesus who began a cult !!!!!!!)Christians don't know who G-d is because they don't pray to G-d, and it sinful to pray to G-d via a mediator!!I have had Christianity pushed down my throat all my life, and turns out it been an emotionally and physically abusive experience! Christians are the biggest assholes and let them rather come under terrorist attack for idle worshipping! The Jews have their faith with direct instructions and help from the Torah, oral Torah and Talmud because they have been told what to expect in the future that is happening in our terrorist world, Christians don't have a clue how to live a human lifestyle because their religion is not based on the truth just a story someone wrote after Jesus was dead for decades, how can Christians rely on those fabrications

Blogger Unknown saith at 4/02/2016 9:55 PM...  

Christians have ZERO sense of humor! A little late to the party, but just the other day, riding around, having fun, I was asked to bring the music. No problem. Launched VLC for Android, started the music on random, and "Hasa Diga Eebowai" (from "The Book of Mormon" Broadway play) came over the speakers (Bluetooth, baby!), and when the part "So, in English, I guess it means, f--- you, God!", the stereo got shut off by an xian without input from everyone else, declared it inappropriate. I said it was from a Broadway play. She said "I don't care, you don't tell God f--- you, even if it WAS in a play! Whoever wrote that is going to hell, and whoever played in it, too!" (I was going to ask, but didn't, "Even Josh Gad? He's a Christian and played in the original cast..." (He's really a Mormon, but still...), just to incite thinking outside their Biblical sandbox.) I and others couldn't convince that person to turn on the stereo, even when they told that person "you listen to music that has worse themes than that. It's just a freaking play. The arts." But everyone else was laughing. She wasn't. Next time, and I was asked, to bring nothing but George Carlin, and his later works too.

Blogger Unknown saith at 4/02/2016 10:00 PM...  

Christians have ZERO sense of humor! A little late to the party, but just the other day, riding around, having fun, I was asked to bring the music. No problem. Launched VLC for Android, started the music on random, and "Hasa Diga Eebowai" (from "The Book of Mormon" Broadway play) came over the speakers (Bluetooth, baby!), and when the part "So, in English, I guess it means, f--- you, God!", the stereo got shut off by an xian without input from everyone else, declared it inappropriate. I said it was from a Broadway play. She said "I don't care, you don't tell God f--- you, even if it WAS in a play! Whoever wrote that is going to hell, and whoever played in it, too!" (I was going to ask, but didn't, "Even Josh Gad? He's a Christian and played in the original cast..." (He's really a Mormon, but still...), just to incite thinking outside their Biblical sandbox.) I and others couldn't convince that person to turn on the stereo, even when they told that person "you listen to music that has worse themes than that. It's just a freaking play. The arts." But everyone else was laughing. She wasn't. Next time, and I was asked, to bring nothing but George Carlin, and his later works too.

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 11/29/2016 12:31 AM...  

Thanks for posting this. I feel the same way. Christians seem to be the most judgmental, hateful, discriminatory people, and when I hear someone self-identify as Christian, I don't have to listen long before they hang themselves with their words.

Blogger Unknown saith at 9/09/2017 11:45 AM...  

I know what you mean and I understand , I've struggled with these issues What I had to do was take my eyes off of other Christian people and decided for myself that I was going to be the difference and try find others to follow suit like me

Blogger Unknown saith at 9/09/2017 11:47 AM...  

You always need Jesus and God your Creator , you will meet one day and you don't want to hear those words depart from me, I never knew you

Blogger Unknown saith at 9/09/2017 11:53 AM...  

marauder , Christianity isn't bullshit , but some of the people are . Our promise is Seek me with all of your heart and you will find me .

Blogger Unknown saith at 9/09/2017 11:57 AM...  

Whoa Jews believe man was created both good and evil so you're making God both good and evil since we are made in His image .
I studied Judaism for 6 years

Blogger Unknown saith at 9/09/2017 11:58 AM...  

I suggest you watch The Investigator movie

Blogger Unknown saith at 9/09/2017 12:02 PM...  

There is not one person on this planet who cannot be an asshole if given the right scenario and pushed the wrong buttons and if any of you holier than thou haughty people think otherwise, you're either a Narcissist , or psychopath and you'll find out one fine day how wretched you are . None of us are exempt , no not one .

Blogger marauder34 saith at 9/11/2017 7:00 AM...  

Wow, that's a lot of comments to make on a post that's 9 years old. I wish my blog could get that kind of traffic!

Blogger Unknown saith at 12/02/2018 6:15 AM...  

I am an Archangel and leaving his god damn idiot church, everything is backwards and the bride of Christ, huh..very interesting how women who marry sodomites and engage in homosexual activity and banking fraud could even be considered to wear a white gown, how fucking embarrassing and shameful the sex induced gospel of your so called Shepherds. Go drill some more oil you assholes. You saved no one with your money except your stupid ass daughter from dubai with her broken neck and iPhone.

Anonymous Anonymous saith at 6/23/2019 10:44 PM...  

Yep, Christians are ass holes. That's why the debacle religion of Christianity is going down the tubes. Too many arrogant, judgmental, self-righteous, disagreeable assholes in the religion. Trinitarians, Calvinist, and Fundamentalist are the worse.

Blogger marauder34 saith at 5/26/2023 4:38 PM...  

I look around today, and I wish I could go back 15 years ago to say "You think the church is bad now? You ain't seen nothing yet. These are the good days."

Except I look to the future, and I'm afraid a time traveler from 15 years from now would say the same thing to me.

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